martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

This are some advances that I have had in my cities lately.

The next picture shows Cabo, this city is 631,000 sims by now, I think that I can´t getmore sims because of the small territory able to be developed. I even had to put the airport up to the mountain because of the lacke of more plain land.

This other city is Ocotlan, it is near to start its development, it has many canals, by now I am wondering how to comunicate those canals to the bay.

Near Cabo I am developing Tomatlan, I think that It is going to be a city with High Tech Industry, Commertial areas and Habitational areas. In this case the picture shows the Hidroelectric plants.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

We achieved 25 million sims in Larna. we are now moving to th coast. Until now Larna is too flat, yet we are making a coast and river to help the region to be more interesting.

Of course tha I will have to make some changes in the terrain mod because this mountains ar very dry, and they need a bit of snow in ther tops. I think that neear the top there will be a pine forest, and near the coast I want a rain forest.

This is the tallest mountain that I have made.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

San Anatolio

San Anatolio is the most populated city of the Metropolitan Area of Larna. In this city I have applied the best practices that I have learned during the process of construction of the other habitational cities of the area. Straight highways, straigth roads, bus stations in every corner, semi - suway - rail, abundant green areas, good education, good health coverage, large industrial surrounding area in 20 small cities, etc. this has come to give us more than 2.8 million sims as anatolians.